Howdy and a question

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Howdy and a question

Post by SWells »

Howdy you all,

I was so pleased to find an "old fashioned" forum. So you know my history, I grew up in Searles Valley, 70s - 80s, and now live in Indian Wells Valley.

I've seen Panament Valley in bloom, at night new moon, and full moon. It's magical! Many other happy memories as well.

I heard it's in bloom now but the only thing I could find on the web was a month old. Back issues are giving me a really rough week. I would just go, if it weren't for that. Wondering if it's still in bloom and if so will it last a few days?

I'm coming in from via Trona Rd.

Thank you heaps for your help!
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Re: Howdy and a question

Post by kris »

Hey there. Welcome.
Yes there are still forums around and like many others, the traffic has slowed here considerably over the years.
As to a bloom, there may be some spots but I’d be surprised if you’d find a wide spread bloom this early. It’s still cold in the valley and there hasn’t been much rain since late summer.

I probably won’t get into PV for another month or two but there are a few here that visit more regularly. I’d expect someone will speak up when it starts to bloom.

I'm a twerp.

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Re: Howdy and a question

Post by RED THE GREY »

Hi its good to hear from someone who cares... This site is like the desert it can get lonely I check in every once in awhile... I am part of a small group who takes care of the mining cabins but havent been out there in a yr now... Dont know when I will again and I really look forwad to the upkeep on them... I used to help out Rocky in Ballarat when he was ther, now gone, things change...Hope you enjoy please dont broadcast where these cabins are we treasure them gotta keep those away from not caring who want to destroy
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Re: Howdy and a question

Post by David_Bricker »

Sounds like once again, the roads are taking a beating as we speak. Last report is the PV road is closed from Inyo county line, essentially to Hwy 190.

Hopefully, it wont be as bad as last year.

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Re: Howdy and a question

Post by LarryW »

Well at least it keeps Caltrans busy.. :beerchug:
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