Panamint City Apples

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Indian Ranch Roadie
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Panamint City Apples

Post by Desertman1 »

Does anyone know the best time to visit Panamint City to get apples from the tree at Shotgun Mary's. I was told October, but I went last Ocober and the tree was bare and no fruit or dried apples on the ground.

Thanks all.

Richard Elliott
Manteca, CA
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Norman Johnson
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Re: Panamint City Apples

Post by Norman Johnson »

I have apple trees at my cabin in the San Jacinto Mountains (5,300') that are volunteers. They rarely give apples. There are trees in town that do produce apples with greater regularity.

In PC, the elevation probably prevents apple trees, even those which can produce apples in that environment, from having a yearly crop. Apples like cold climates, generally, and there are many, cold climate apple varieties; however, I would doubt that a tree in Panamint City would be a consistent producer.

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Re: Panamint City Apples

Post by LarryW »

There's a fantastic apple tree at 4100 ft north of Lone Pine at the base of the Inyos. Just south of Reward Mine. Don't know if that means anything but that tree really produces. Green apples that are great in pies.
Indian Ranch Roadie
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Re: Panamint City Apples

Post by Desertman1 »

Thanks Larry and Norman. I'll have to check out the apples near Lone Pine.

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