Panamint Valley, California
Copyright © 2006 to Present

If you have found that you can no longer log in, it may be because your account was deleted due to inactivity. Please feel free to re-register, but we ask that you take an active role as a member of the message board.
If you are having trouble with the account verification process (jumbled letters), just e-mail us with your user name and we'll get you activated.
If you receive a message stating that your IP is banned this is most likely because you are using an "offshore" ISP. Do to the large amount of spam received from international ISP's we were forced to block most "non-domestic" IP's.
If you can reply back to us with your IP address, we can get you back into the message board. If you do not know your IP, you can Google "what's my IP" and use one of the many on-line sites that will tell you your IP.
Feel free to send all replies to admin *at* if we can be of any other service.
Replace the *at* with @
Please include your user name when coresponding with us.
Thanks for your interest in this site